There is a growing awareness that a new sort of church is emerging onto the scene in Europe and America. It is usually called either the emerging or emergent church. It is radically different in many ways from the traditional Anglican or Reformed or Charismatic churches.
I have decided to write a few numbered paragraphs on the subject and later I will go into more detail in other posts.
1. It has its roots in a dissatisfaction with normal church life and experience.
2. It is almost totally made up of white middle-class Christians with a good educational background. It doesn't seem to appeal to the marginalised or ethnic minorities
3. It is infinitely varied in belief and practice. Some congregations use armchairs in a circle and use large screen televisions and have varied rituals and acts culled from many sources, including liturgies from orthodox sources. Others are more traditional in their worship.
4. They all say they are on a spiritual journey into an exciting and rather unknown future. Brian Mclaren, the main writer to emerge from this new form of Christianity, writes, "It is a quest for new ways to believe and new ways to live and serve faithfully in the way of Jesus, a quest for a new kind of Christianity".
5. It seems to be influenced by the philosophic theories and ideas by two French intellectuals, Derrida and Lyotard. These writers majored on literary deconstruction and post-modernism.
6. There is a deep mistrust of propositional statements. The citing of doctrinal propositions such as, "Jesus is the only way to the Father", is looked upon as too narrowly restrictive for this modern age. (This suspicion of doctrinal propositions is fully brought out in Hans Kung's book, Infallibility.) There is a rejection of all meta-narratives. A meta-narrative is any all-inclusive system of religious or philosophic belief that provides all the answers, whether it be Marxism or Islam. Life as we know it is too varied and problematic to be boxed in this way. Thus this movement has little place for the doctrinal statements or historic creeds of the Church. All is in a state of flux.
7. There is a total rejection of all end-times theories or eschatologies and all prejudices concerning the lives of gays and lesbians.. They should totally and lovingly accepted.
8. There is very little emphasis on the corruption and deviousness of the human heart.
9. Other religions should be tolerated and respected. When a Muslim or a Buddhist decides to follow Jesus he or she can still stay in the bosom of these faiths without fear of compromise.
10. Though the movement does not seem to be interested in Biblical higher criticism and its praxis is totally different, the mood and moral stance seem to me to be very similar to the liberal theology that swept the churches in the early part of the last century
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